Monthly Meeting Minutes – August 29,2024
This is the first meeting of the Walden Ridge Technology Group
Attendees: 20+
Location: LOCC auditorium
Meeting began at 7PM with an overview of the agenda. Meeting kept informal and led by Mark K
We don’t have bylaws, officers, non-profit status, a treasury or anything besides willing volunteers and a community of questions. This is something for future 2024 meetings.
Meeting Activities
- Introductions
- Expectations
- Web site tour by Mark K
- Discussion of STEM summer camp, scholarships
- Discussion of Crunch Labs, Hack Packs and Mark Rober
- Discussion of certificate programs
- Audience Q&A
- GoPro resolution and storage questions from Greg Hall. Addressed by Mark K
- Security cameras – Eufy recommendation and short demo by Mark K
- Electronic locks – explanation of user management approaches, brands, difference between entry lock models and dead bolt models by Mark K
- Moving pictures from phone to other devices and backups. Handled by Ron B and Doug W
- Recognizing phone scams
- Computer lab or cybercafe at LOCC
- Discussion of game events (with pizza / food) – needs a server and maybe fat pipe
- Debbie Adams will contact EPB to determine how we can get a 2.5 or 10GB temporary drop for events. Also working to get Gig service at LOCC for non-profit lower price.
- Discussion of expanding social media reach to platforms other than Facebook – Reddit, Instagram, TicTock etc.
- GoPro resolution and storage questions from Greg Hall. Addressed by Mark K
- Meeting adjourned about 8:45 PM
- Meeting Minutes written by Mark K